First stop: study tools for Plazas, 3d ed. Content-wise, it is quite similar to the 4th ed. Here you can access auto-pruebas (self-corecting chapter quizzes), crossword puzzles, flashcards and more. Use the drop-down menu in the upper left hand corner to browse by chapter.
Next, check out the Spanish Language and Culture site from Barbara Kuczun Nelson at Colby College , with numerous activities related to all your grammar questions, plus culture videos, music, and much more.
Study Spanish is a free, online tutorial that makes grammar easy to grasp. Here's the thinking: "When most people think of "grammar", they don't get very excited. But grammar can teach you something in minutes that might take days to figure out by immersion alone.
Finally, have some fun with Mi vida loca from the BBC. an interactive video drama and Spanish course, takes you on a mystery adventure to Madrid and beyond in 22 episodes, around 10 minutes each, covering basic learning points for beginning learners of Spanish.